
Version 2.0

Pre-support for any language, then it's substituted in the program: the use of the ANSI system (Windows Code Page) that codes (with a number from 32 to 255) each one the characters of the languages according to different regions of the world for the universal system Unicode. Unicode ( provides an only number for each character (for "stranger" that it is) without caring neither the place of the world neither the platform that a program uses (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.). This has driven to:

1. Internal restructuring of the program: I change all the (necessary) components of the program and of the files that this it uses that now are kept in Unicode. Elimination of the file CharSets.wcs.

2. Easiness of program translation for any user from all over the world to their language (with the use of an external program, for example poEdit ( that is freeware and of open source). the different programs compiled for different languages disappear This way, MecanogENG, MecanogESP, etc. now are substituted by one (multilingual), and with the easiness of language selection.

Modification easiness and/or translation of the list of tips and tricks.

Support to writing system that write from right to left (Arabic, Hebrew,...), with the change of the mark of the windows and the position of their components.

It allows to choose: 1. the font that the program shows us, and 2. the one that is used by the virtual keyboard and the input where it is typed during the exercise. This last one is this way removed the old kmc files.

Referring to exercises:

1. The exercises are in a folder that has as name that of the code of the language (that it is necessary to select) of the exercise, this folder is inside another that has of name that of the keyboard identifier and, finally, this it is inside a folder of name kb. Therefore, it has been added the languages lists, identified with the writing system.

2. Change of the name that now are by a number, to facilitate the possible international comparisons.

3. They have been added a comment.

4. New exercises of random words, with the characters:

a. of the selected language.

b. mistaken and/or been written too slowly.

Presentation of the result of the exercise carried out with the number, by character, of the mistakes and the pulsation speed.

Possibility to use the program like a simple editor. Being of interest can it for:

1. Emigrants, and translators or writers, that use languages of completely different writing. That allows them to see the virtual keyboard when they don't have the necessary real keyboard.

2. Severe handicapped people can write text. However, they must be able to use an adapted mouse or cursor and to clicking in the virtual keyboard.

2. Demonstration, in an audiovisual media, of the use of the computer keyboard during the introduction to the computer science.

Resolution of representation problems in the virtual keyboard of some signs for their littleness, or situation outside of the corresponding space (with the creation of the chi files for each font).

Possibility of load of two different keyboards at the same time (very frequent case in the keyboards that are not of the "Occidental" area), automatic commutation and the corresponding representation in the virtual keyboard.

Support for keys (unusual situation) that reproduce two characters (habitually letters) at the same time.

Modification of the exercises selection input (it is no longer by the files browser, now uses a drop-down list, with name and comment). Visualization option, during the execution of the exercise, of a window with the text to type.

Added: character conversion list.

Unusual options forms (now named configuration forms) wide restructuring.

Designed for users who require screen reader, and with Braille keyboard or its emulation.

Publication of the code, according to the LPG (General Public License) of GNU ( - FSF (Free Software Foundation), to